
Marine aquarium fish
Sri Lanka is an ideal breeding ground for more than 250 species of marine aquarium fish. Additionally, it is home to about 100 different species of marine invertebrates.
We work very closely with several deep-sea diving teams to offer you a range of marine fish and invertebrates. Blue Surgeon, Scorpion blenny , Emperor angel Scorpion fish/ Lion fish are some of the popular varieties of marine fish we export. Also, there is a good demand for marine invertebrates such as Red fire shrimp , Cleaner shrimp, Red star fish . (You may click each variety, to view it’s image)

Brackish water aquarium fish
Out of a few brackish water aquarium fish, Silver moony fish or Silver moony is a popular variety among aquarists around the world. These fish live in a wide variety of habitats which includes open ocean, estuaries and freshwater rivers. These are mainly wild-caught varieties using traditional methods and it is also known as a ‘model organism’ in the study of salinity tolerance.

Aquatic plants & bulbs
We supply potted plants such as Alternanthera cardinalis, Alternanthera bettzickiana, Anubias barteri, Aponogeton crispus, and many more. In addition bunches such as Bacopa amplexicaulis, Cabomba caroliniana, Hydroctyle verticillata. We also supply many lose aquatic plants including Echinodorus leopard, Vallisneria americana, Red rotala and Elodea densa et cetera. (You may click each variety, to view it’s image)